LST和婚フェア 料亭左阿彌
- 「聚楽殿」テーブル椅子席で100名様迄収容可能の人気のお部屋
- “Juraku-den”: The most popular room. Maximum 100 guests can be seated at the table.
- 「清風殿」60名様まで収容可能で景色が見渡せる開放的なお部屋
- “Seifu-den”: The room with the view from the widow. Maximum 60 guests can be seated.
- サプライズ演出「舞妓・芸妓」
舞妓さんたちの登場に、会場が盛り上がりました - A surprise program by “Maiko & Geiko”
Loud cheers and applause were heard in the room.
- 和ならではの演出「鏡開き」
- “Kagami Biraki (=breaking the lid of Sake barrel and serve sake to everyone.)” the event which is very Japanese.
- 和ならではの演出「お琴の生演奏」
お琴の雅の音色に、ご結婚式当日も是非取り入れたいとお声をいただきました - Live performance of the Koto (Japanese harp)
Some guests said that they would love to have this for their wedding, as the music was so beautiful.
“LST Japanese Style Wedding Fair” was held at Saami (ryoutei restaurant) on February 9th.
We have been presenting this fair every summer and winter for the last 10years.
At each fair, we proposed unique wedding reception and banquet, and all the LST staff were looking forward to attending it as well.
This time, we decorated the hall with “spring” as a theme and made it look like a real wedding reception.
We received so many comments from the guests who attended the event such as,
“I believe the guests will enjoy our Japanese style wedding reception.”
“It helped me to visualize our wedding. I’m now really looking forward to have my own ceremony.”
“The dishes and decorations were so beautiful and the meals were very delicious.”
Thanks for answering our questionnaire.
Based on the opinions and information collected, we are going to propose the best wedding plan to each couple.
We would like to thank for all those who attended the fair.
We had the largest number of attendance ever.
Also, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Okami-san (madam) of Saami and all the other people who supported the event.
By T / Japanese style wedding planner, LST Wedding