
LST東京店 展示衣装


  • 正絹ちりめん地に繊細な銀糸の刺繍が施された白無垢。
  • A “Shiromuku” with fine embroidery motives with silver yarns on the 100% pure silk. It’s modest and graceful, but has a strong appeal.
    This “Shiromuku” can be worn with “CHODO” plan.

  • 赤地に鶴や菊が豪華にあしらわれた色打掛。
  • An “Irouchikake” with gorgeous crane and chrysanthemum motives on red color base. The lame yarns used in the base fabric made the kimono more impressive.


LST東京店 プランナー H

The display in Tokyo branch has been renewed.

A stylist dropped by our Tokyo office during her summer holiday,
saying “Usually, I don’t have time to travel to Tokyo…”

Whenever I talked to her, I could feel her passion for the costumes and affection for the brides and grooms who are going to wear them.
I always learn a lot from her attitude.

The new display at the entrance changed a impression of the entire salon.

I realized again that bride and groom’s changing their costume and hairstyle during the wedding reception can surely change the atmosphere of the reception and made it more radiant.

By H / Wedding Planner, LST Wedding Tokyo