



彼女はプランナー時代から自分が結婚式を挙げるときは 上賀茂神社&料亭左阿彌さんで・・・と いつも夢を描いていました。


彼女の一層輝く笑顔と 大粒の涙を間近で見る度に 私も涙をこらえながらサポートさせていただきました。

たいせつな方々に 見守られ 幸せそうに過ごす姿は
私にとっても忘れられない かけがえのない一日となりました。

これからは 素敵な旦那様と いつまでもキラキラと輝く人生を歩んでいってくださいね。
ご結婚 本当におめでとうございます!!

LST京都本店 和婚プランナー S

My colleague M whom I had worked with at LST until March got married on May 31st.
Under the blue sky, they had a solemn wedding ceremony at Kamigamo shrine.

While she was working as a wedding planner at LST, it has always been her dream to have her own wedding at Kamigamo shrine and Saami ryoutei restaurant.

The wedding reception at Saami was really in warm and cozy atmosphere, which was celebrated not only by their guests but also LST’s business partners.

I did my best to support their wedding although it was hard for me to hold back my tears when I saw her smiling and then crying for joy.

They looked so happy surrounded by their precious people.
The day became unforgettable for me, too.

Nahoko, the bride, was born in the season of sunflower.
She is really like a sunflower, and always shined like the sun in LST.
I wish her to spend the happy shining life with her husband for long.

By S / Japanese style wedding planner, LST Kyoto