五月半ばを過ぎ 暖かく新緑が美しい季節となりました。
日中とはまた少し異なる 清々しく厳かな空気を感じます。
大切な一日がより一層 特別な一日と感じるような瞬間でした。
LST京都店 西川真裕
It’s in the middle of May, which is the season that the fresh green is very beautiful. I went to support the wedding ceremony at Imamiya shrine yesterday.
The bride and broom have been preparing for the wedding seremony since the early morning.
While supporting them, I looked ovre the shrine. I felt the brisk and solemon atmosphere which was different from that of the daytime.
It was a moment that I sensed today was more special than the important day.